St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is now offering a nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program online.

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is now offering a nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program online. We strive hard to help you achieve your career goal of becoming a medical assistant.
We offer the latest education and study techniques for Medical Assistants by using the newest current online technology.
About St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants:

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the Medical Assistant jobs outlook is excellent! According to the Bureau's studies, "Employment of Medical Assistants is expected to grow by 31% from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations." Our online Medical Assistant program can be the first step towards a career that will help provide you with many years of rewarding work experience!
Medical Assistant Job Outlook:
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
Student Reviews
"St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offers the best medical assistant program online. I found the program very informative and easy to use. It was very convenient having everything online. After completing the program I now feel very comfortable working with the doctors in my office, and I love being a medical assistant. I would like to thank them for this opportunity and recommend St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants to anyone studying to be a medical assistant."
-- Lauren, North Carolina
"I love the online Medical Assistant program at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. It was a great experience; I learned so much and now feel very comfortable working as a medical assistant. They are the best… I would recommend this program to my friends and anyone studying to be a medical assistant. Thank you so much."
-- Carla, Florida
"Thank you very much for having this program, it made easy for students like me who are working, for moms who have kids and etc. The medical assistant program is excellent and its very easy to follow the online classes. Once again, thank you."
-- Natalya, Illinois
"I am already a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) and I wanted to expand my knowledge. I learned a lot from taking this course. Thank you very much, for a person like myself this was much easier for me than sitting in a classroom. It was nice to be able to study whenever I wanted, even in the middle of the night, I really appreciate that!"
-- Edna, Kansas
"I loved the medical assistant program and classes I completed online from the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants company. I go to Florida State (FSU) full time and after finishing this program was offered a part time job as a medical assistant in a doctors office, this will help pay my tuition and living expense while at college. The doctor is also giving me the money that I paid for the program. The online class was complete and offered everything I need to know as a medical assistant. I looked into the longer very expensive programs, and they we not for me! This was perfect! I'll always be grateful for this opportunity and to the people who created this program. I recommend your medical assistant course to everyone very very much! "
-- Tina, Florida State University
"This medical assistant program is a wonderful course for anyone who has prior commitments such as a job or children. I was able to complete the lessons on a time schedule that was convenient for me without having to leave my home. This is a wonderful program! My thanks to those at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants for understanding that not everyone has the time or resources to attend a traditional educational program or college. This was not only affordable for me but also fit into my busy lifestyle. I would recommend this medical assistant program to anyone looking for a new career and doesn’t want to wait two years for a college degree."
-- Andrea, Illinois
"I just want to say thank you to St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants for allowing me and other students to go back and further our education in a manner in which you have provided. I work full time 5-6 days a week, and have my own personal business on the side. So, having the ability to still go back to school, yet work at my own pace on everything is such a blessing!"
-- Brittany, North Carolina
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants @ MedAssistant.org is discussed by a student who completed the program in 2013. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offers a nationally accredited medical assistant program online. Medical assistants complete administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and other health practitioners. Their duties vary with the location, specialty, and size of the practice.
--- Alice Georgia